Custom Piezography Pro curve profiling service

SKU: pro-custom-curves
0.0 / 5

0 150,00 150,00 0


One custom Piezography Pro (3 curves set), PiezoDN, or Piezography Photogravure curve using your printed targets. Please click on this item to see the detailed instructions.

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Please contact us for a quote.

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After purchase download the custom profiling package after you make your purchase. It includes instructions. Remember to write your order number on top of the printed target!

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What's Included:

You get  either a set of three custom Piezography Pro (cool, neutral, warm) .quad files made from your targets that you printed according to our instructions, or you get one reading of a PiezoDN target or a Photogravure target resulting in an .quad file. If for PiezoDN or Piezography Photogravure you may need an additional iterative curve at an additional cost.


This is compatible with all supported Piezography printers that use Piezography Pro inks or a subset of Piezography Pro inks. Check the instructions before printing your target/s. If you have a custom curves conversion in which we have re-arranged your inks layout or mapped out non-working ink channels, you will need a custom Master Curve that is not included with the download and target.

Product Type Service
Brand Piezography

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