We take Customer Support Very Seriously
All of our products are very high quality and we have nothing to hide. So each and every single one of our technical problems is public. With tens of thousands of customers you will be able to see that our headaches are few and far between. This does not mean that your problem is not important to us. To the contrary! We have the best products and the best technical support.
Free Product Technical Support: We handle technical support through our public forum so that you can get answers quickly to your questions. It is available 24/7 and most issues that you may encounter will have probably been answered already on our forum. To register as a customer on the forum please include either your Sales Order #, your InkjetMall Customer ID, or your customer email address or Phone #. This way we can verify your sale and activate your ability to post a tech support question.
If this is a very urgent matter you can also email us and a support ticket will be opened. Please do not call or email our sales department if you need urgent help because we are not always able to answer calls. But we do have staff monitoring email. If you need help let us know in your first email who you are, what your Sales Order number is so we can identify the products, and exactly what the problem you are having is so that we do not need to write you back and ask. We would rather write back with a response that solves your problem.
Paid Technical Support: Some customers prefer a higher level of support. We offer live phone hand-holding support in 15 minute and 60 minute blocks. Please note, we do not offer phone support that is not a paid support service. If you call us looking for technical support, you will need to either purchase paid tech support or send email or post on our forum. We are not always available for paid support right away. This is usually a scheduled service with a 24hr lead time.
Generally the quickest way to get support is to post at our forum at https://community.inkjetmall.com. Post with as much detail as possible so that the technician has as much information as possible to assist you. Also, don't forget to search for your question on the forum. Chances are it's already been answered! Second fastest is by email. Third option and the slowest is calling us. Like many companies we can not afford to hire off-shore call centers to take every call as it comes in.
If you have reached this page and you have a pre-sales question (not support) please contact us below.